P.O. Box 2972, San Ramon, CA 94583 - Non-profit organization - EIN# 80-0442173

Minority Community
Youth Mental Health Resources

Phase 1:
  • Muslim Community Youth
  • Afghan Community Youth
  • Black Community Youth
  • Vietnamese Community Youth

Disadvantages in socioeconomic status (SES) contribute significantly to mental health difficulties among ethnic and racial minority youth.

Educational Awareness To Muslim Youth And Families For Early Internetwork In Mental Health

When parents involve children in understanding and appreciating their heritage and offer a space for children to seek support, problem solve, and express their emotions about social injustices, they promote the child’s development of positive self-esteem, efficacy, and coping.

Youth Mental Health and
Healthy Living Program


Able Community focuses on minority families and youth, promoting healthy living and culture-based emotional and
mental health support efforts with community advocates and volunteers.

Our youth and young adulthood, span­ning approx­i­mate­ly ages 14 through 24, are crit­i­cal stages of devel­op­ment. Dur­ing this phase, young peo­ple from the minority communities expe­ri­ence pro­found phys­i­o­log­i­cal changes and must nav­i­gate increas­ing auton­o­my, form­ing their iden­ti­ty, learn­ing socio-emo­tion­al and life skills, obtain­ing edu­ca­tion and job train­ing and more. This for­ma­tive tran­si­tion­al peri­od is a win­dow of oppor­tu­ni­ty for par­ents, care­givers and adults in the com­mu­ni­ty


Stress in AmericaTM 2020: A National Mental Health Crisis, released in October, revealed that “Gen Z teens (ages 13–17) and Gen Z adults (ages 18–23) were facing unprecedented uncertainty, experiencing elevated stress and already reporting symptoms of depression.” This new survey finds Gen Z adults are also doing worse mentally and physically than other generations

Gen Z adults (46%) were the most likely generation to say that their mental health has worsened compared with before the pandemic.
Younger generations also were more likely to say they could have used more emotional support than they received since the pandemic started, with Gen Z adults nearly four times as likely as older adults to report this

Able Community partnered with community wellness, mental health advocates, and volunteers to provide a cultural value-based, connected, caring, and appreciation of youth. We provide weekly youth circle events for youth peer and professional support for emotional, social, and mental health and positive life attitudes.

Able Community provides healthy lifestyle awareness of supplements that provide nutrients and antioxidants to support cellular health and functions with benefits such as:
• Supports natural cellular communication
• Contains core minerals and vita-antioxidants
• Builds cellular resilience and efficiency
• Provides foundational nourishment
• Rejuvenates your overall health
• Protects from radical damage to the cells
• Increases circulating blood levels of beneficial nutrients